In 2024, the lives of millions were upended by war, disasters, and hunger. As World Vision responded, we witnessed courage and resilient hope through encounters with hardship. See incredible images captured by World Vision communicators throughout this year.
Why World Vision is in Afghanistan
Ravaged by decades of bitter war and devastated by natural disasters, Afghanistan is a fragile state in which life is difficult. And, the odds are even more against women and children. World Vision began working in Afghanistan in 2001, providing emergency relief to those who had been directly affected by a devastating drought as well as supporting those whose livelihoods had been destroyed during the conflict. Equitable access to quality education does not yet exist in Afghanistan, particularly for girls and children in rural settings.
We never give up on people
With so much happening around the world, it can be hard to decide where your money can have the greatest impact. With your help through the World Vision Fund, you’ll be meeting critical needs both today and tomorrow, helping people rebuild in the wake of disasters and empowering entire communities to lift themselves out of poverty.
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Prayer Requests from Afghanistan
World Vision's staff in Afghanistan are asking us to join them in prayer for the following:
Pray for the safety of children in Afghanistan amid conflict in the country. Pray that God would bring peace to this country so that children and families might live without fear of violence.
Pray for the health of Afghan children and their families; currently, 40 percent of Afghan children suffer from malnutrition.
News from Afghanistan
Afghanistan crisis: Facts, FAQs, and how to help
Children and families in Afghanistan are facing a growing humanitarian crisis, the result of decades of conflict, chronic poverty, and natural disasters. Learn how World Vision is responding — and how you can support families caught up in the crisis.
What is a refugee?
The number of refugees globally has reached 43.4 million, and their needs have never been greater, not only for the basic necessities of life, but also for hope and opportunities to be self-sufficient. Explore the challenges faced by refugees and find out more about the global refugee crisis.
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