Move beyond statistics on global food shortages and come face to face with individuals from around the world who are uniquely impacted by hunger.
News & Stories
Middle East
Iraq conflict: Facts, FAQs, and how to help
Why are 1.2 million people displaced in Iraq? Conflict has created an extreme humanitarian crisis. Learn what World Vision is doing to help the children and families recover from years of war in Iraq.
Fallout: When hunger has no borders
An intimate window into the lives of children and their families who have been overcome by food insecurity and now pay the price of the war in Ukraine. Showcasing impactful still images captured by World Vision photographers and partners, this 3D virtual exhibition offers a glimpse of key issues that the world’s most vulnerable face.
Children’s access to education is threatened by Lebanon’s crisis
As Lebanon encounters an economic crisis, refugee children face protection risks and fading education access.
Determined to learn despite the odds
Ahmed’s world began to change in 2014 when militants took control of his city of Mosul, Iraq. His education halted while his family lived in fear. Ahmed continued to pursue his education after things took a turn for the worst when his family fled their home.
An ode to mothers
Every day, mothers continue to love, care for, and provide for their children. On this Mother’s Day, we recognize mothers around the globe.
Closing the gap: A visual journey of disability inclusion
World Vision is committed to help bridge barriers for vulnerable people who face each day with a disability. As we take steps to do so, we reflect on powerful moments and stories brought about through our work.
5 worst spots for hunger
Around the world, as many as 811 million people regularly go to bed hungry. Learn where the 5 worst places are in the world for hunger, what World Vision is doing, and how you can help hungry children and families in need.
Prayers for people affected by the coronavirus
The coronavirus has spread rapidly around the world. As infections and the death toll continue to rise, we turn to God for wisdom and comfort.
12 reasons to have hope in 2022
While progress on ending global poverty and boosting development has slowed or stalled because of the pandemic, we still have many reasons to be hopeful. As we see progress in clean water, mother and child health, advocacy work, and more, we can trust that our sovereign God hasn’t stopped working. Read evidences of God’s mercy to His people with these 12 reasons to have hope in 2022.