When you think of rural farming communities in Africa, do you picture technologies like smartphones and kitchens with gas stoves? Find out how innovative technologies are changing the way people farm and cook in Rwanda!
News & Stories
Building resilient livelihoods and bringing families together
An idea that began in a rice field in Tanzania is today building resilient livelihoods for farmers across five countries in Africa and empowering their families to grow greater together through transformation and forgiveness. See how this innovative program works!
Life frames: Our favorite photos of 2015
World Vision’s photographers captured thousands of moments in 2015. Here are their favorite photos — and the stories behind them.
From heartbreak to hope: 65 years of disaster response
Starting in 1950 with the Korean War, World Vision has responded to the most urgent disasters and humanitarian crises around the world, providing immediate aid.
Microloans make an unexpected CEO
Jacqueline has faced many harsh circumstances in her life … She lost family members to disease and war. When she became a mother, she could barely afford to provide for her children. Find out how a microloan helped turn her life around.
Reconciliation is at the heart of this Rwandan love story
The story of Christine and Emile tells of a love that could only happen between two people trained in reconciliation. Christine’s family was all killed in the 1994 Rwandan genocide. Emile’s family were Hutus. His cousins and uncles had gone to prison.
A Chicago church finds its fit in serving the world — and runs with it
Faith Church Senior Pastor Bob Bouwer reflects on how God often uses the most quirky or seemingly insignificant gifts or passions to glorify his name and advance his kingdom near us and around the world.
Reflections and remembrances from a former World Vision U.S. president
Former World Vision U.S. President Bob Seiple reflects on painful anniversaries, from the horror of the Rwanda genocide to orphans in Romania, and redemptive moments.
Rwanda: 20 years later
APRIL 1, 2014, RWANDA — In 1994, Rwanda was as ruined as any spot on earth after an implosion of violence killed 800,000 people in 100 days. How could the country ever overcome such hatred and horror? It would take a miracle. Through World Vision’s reconciliation programming, healing has given way to hope.
Bill and Chelsea Clinton visit a Rwanda water project
Former President Bill Clinton and his daughter, Chelsea Clinton, got a personal look at the toll of unsafe water on a community as part of their visit to Groupe Scholaire Camp Kanombe primary school in Kigali, Rwanda.