News & Stories



UPDATE: Protection from child sacrifice — It’s working!

One of our most innovative programs, an Amber Alert designed to save children from being sacrificed in Uganda, is working! Project manager Obed Byamugisha risks his life every day in a battle against witch doctors. See how he’s helping communities in Uganda work together to keep their children safe.


Forever changed by clean water

Blogger Rachel Teodoro traveled with us to Uganda to dedicate a new borehole. Through her eyes, witness the energy and joy the people of this community felt at having clean water, and learn how they will be forever changed.


Better health for women just like Jennifer

Due to fistula — an injury during childbirth that causes incontinence — Jennifer remained outside when she attended church, kneeling in the dirt to pray. Without improving health for women who don’t have proper care, issues like fistula can ruin their lives.