News & Stories

United States

From the Field

Equipping parents with support and supplies in the Bronx

World Vision supports the work of community-based organizations and churches across the United States. The money that groups like A House on Beekman in the South Bronx might’ve spent on supplies can now go to further their programs. The organization offers free educational programs and also distributes supplies that families need but might not be able to afford.

From the Field

Coronavirus: Facts, FAQs, and how to help

The coronavirus pandemic and its respiratory disease, COVID-19, has profoundly and widely impacted the world since it emerged in late 2019. Beyond its health implications, the pandemic continues to pose a threat to the progress in reducing global poverty and income inequalities. Particularly concerning is the potential long-term impact on the next generation of children. Learn more about the pandemic and how World Vision has responded worldwide.


6 ways to pray for our country during the election

God calls us to pray in all situations — no exceptions for an election year. When we make the decision to pray for our leaders and country, we make a bold choice to demonstrate Jesus’ love regardless of what’s going on around us. The prayers offered here call for wisdom, love, and unity — in and between election candidates, and us. As we navigate what will likely be a divisive time for our country, we pray boldly that God will help us see each other through His eyes and help our leaders make godly decisions.

From the Field

In photos: 23 moments to remember

In 2023, the harsh realities of conflict, displacement, natural disaster, and extreme hunger impacted the lives of millions of people worldwide. As World Vision responded, we witnessed moments of both hardship and hope. See the incredible images of resilience, determination, and even joy that World Vision’s communicators were able to capture in this extraordinary year.