News & Stories

United States

Special Features

Here’s to the givers

NOV. 1, 2012 — Here’s to the givers of the world … givers of all sizes and ages, from different walks of life and various income levels. They give not because of a date on the calendar but because they are God’s beloved cheerful givers. Their stories show the impact of relatively simple gifts in developing countries.


Hunger at home: 5 surprising facts on child hunger in America

The truth is, hunger is all around us — even right here in the United States — and it affects more people than we would like to believe. But hunger is often invisible. When we don’t want to see it, hunger’s power to harm people only grows. Here are five facts on how children face hunger in America.


Disaster response in hot spots around the world

Today we’re providing you with a quick snapshot of what’s happening in five hot spots around the globe — where your generous support is helping people cope with and recover from disasters and crisis situations.