In a Zambian village, Maggie’s daily quest for water once hindered her education and exposed her to ridicule. As a result of World Vision’s work with her community, a borehole was installed, equipping families with easy access to water, which has improved their lives in a variety of ways. Now with more free time, Maggie is pursuing her dream of nursing while savoring childhood moments.
News & Stories
Sarafina’s story: From impoverished to resilient businesswoman
Sarafina wanted her children to have a bright future — built upon the foundation of education. But she and her husband struggled to pay for their children’s schooling and dealt with marital conflict as a result. When World Vision started savings groups in her community, Sarafina was one of the first to sign up. With the tools she’s learned through the training and the confidence she’s gained from running her own business, she now understands the value she can bring to her marriage, her family, and her community.
Wards with water: Increasing safe deliveries for mothers
At Zambia’s Nsombo Rural Health Center, expectant mothers were required to bring their own water for cleaning and bathing during childbirth. It deterred many from coming. Now with a mechanized water system close by, the clinic’s practices have changed and moms are having safer deliveries.
Lost year, new hope: Margaret’s second chance at education
An aunt tried to rob 16-year-old Margaret of her dream of an education. Now, free from her aunt and with newfound confidence from a World Vision savings group and Biblical Empowered Worldview training, Margaret is seeing her dream resurrected.
World Vision savings groups: Big returns on small investments
Prisca, a single mother in the Buyantanshi community in Zambia, is using money she saved through a World Vision savings group to fund her own education as well as meet the needs of her baby boy. Through mentorship, financial literacy training, and the Biblical Empowered Worldview program, she’s come to understand that even small savings can redirect her future.
From barren walls to blooming minds: A Zambian teacher’s pursuit of inclusive education
Florence’s heart for students with disabilities led to transformed education at her school in southern Zambia. By dismantling stereotypes and cultivating a place for her students to learn and thrive, she also helped shift her community’s perspective.
Small loans, big impact: Rebuilding communities one step at a time
Through participation in a savings group in rural Zambia, women are changing not only their own lives but those of their community members as well.
“I went home strong”
Access to clean water has transformed the birthing experience at Mwando Health Post in Zambia’s Northern Province, as well as the surrounding community. It has led to improved health for mothers and babies, as well as economic growth opportunities.
How one boy’s free throws changed a community in crisis
A World Vision employee’s belief in a 9-year-old boy has created changes that continue to ripple in a community in Zambia. His fundraising helped provide the financial support for a community and World Vision to build a clinic furnished with essential equipment to care for people living with HIV and AIDS.
Clean water helps Sarah reconsider marrying too young
When Sarah lost her father in 2010, her life took a drastic turn for the worse. The family went hungry, not cooking because they tried to limit their water usage. Challenges like these combined to make Sarah consider marrying young as a way out of the troubles. In 2020 her waiting paid off when World Vision drilled a borehole in her community. Now she concentrates on school and doesn’t even consider marrying at this time.