Research & Publications

253 resources found

Uganda Integrated Community Case Management Project Summary

Uganda Integrated Community Case Management Project Summary

The goal of World Vision’s district-wide program in Bugiri is to contribute to the reduction of mortality among children under five from common childhood illnesses by increasing the use of curative and

Uganda Social and Behavior Change Activity (SBCA) Project Summary

Uganda Social and Behavior Change Activity (SBCA) Project Summary

The project goal is to transform households, communities, and systems in Uganda for improved health and development outcomes through social and behavior change (SBC). The approach uses ground-breaking methodologies and multiple disciplines

Rwanda Ingobyi Project Summary

Rwanda Ingobyi Project Summary

Ingobyi aims to contribute to the reduction of infant and maternal mortality and incidence of malaria in Rwanda by improving the availability, quality, and utilization of reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health

Niger Act 2 Save (A2S) Project Summary

Niger Act 2 Save (A2S) Project Summary

The Act 2 Save project has an overall goal of contributing to reducing the high mortality rates of children under five (CU5) in six communes in the Dosso and Maradi regions. The

Strengthening Nicaragua through Prevention and Health Care to Contain the HIV and TB Epidemics Within a Sustainable Response Project Summary

Strengthening Nicaragua through Prevention and Health Care to Contain the HIV and TB Epidemics Within a Sustainable Response Project Summary

With funding from The Global Fund, the program is aimed at strengthening the national health system and interventions through prevention and health care in order to contain the HIV and TB epidemics,

CORE Group Partners Project Summary

CORE Group Partners Project Summary

The CORE Group Partners Project (CGPP), formerly known as the CORE Group Polio Project, is a multi-country, multi-partner initiative providing financial support and on-the-ground technical guidance and support to strengthen host country

Act to End NTDs | West Program (Act | West) Project Summary

Act to End NTDs | West Program (Act | West) Project Summary

USAID’s Act to End NTDs | West Program (Act | West) supports neglected tropical disease (NTD) elimination and control efforts in 11 countries as well as activities aimed at mainstreaming NTD priorities

Accelerating and Strengthening the Quality of Malaria Control Interventions in Mozambique Project Summary

Accelerating and Strengthening the Quality of Malaria Control Interventions in Mozambique Project Summary

With funding from The Global Fund, the program is aimed at strengthening the national health system and interventions through prevention and health care in order to contain malaria epidemics, within a sustainable

Towards Reaching Universal Coverage (Reducing Malaria Deaths) in Malawi Project Summary

Towards Reaching Universal Coverage (Reducing Malaria Deaths) in Malawi Project Summary

World Vision Malawi has been partnering with the Ministry of Health (MoH) since 2016, supporting the scale up of malaria control interventions including case management, vector control interventions (Indoor Residual Spraying, entomological