Research & Publications

253 resources found

A Toolkit for Integrating GESI in Design, Monitoring, and Evaluation

A Toolkit for Integrating GESI in Design, Monitoring, and Evaluation

This toolkit is designed to provide guidance and tools to support staff in integrating GESI perspectives in all stages of project Design, Monitoring and Evaluation (DME). The goal is to enhance the

GESI Approach and Theory of Change

GESI Approach and Theory of Change

This document presents World Vision’s Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) Approach and Theory of Change. GESI is integral to achieving World Vision’s “Our Promise” global strategy and child wellbeing objectives. As

GESI Reference Guide: GESI and WASH

GESI Reference Guide: GESI and WASH

Water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) programs will not achieve World Vision’s mission or the Sustainable Development Goals if we exclude the most vulnerable. WASH approaches need to be informed by World Vision’s

GESI Reference Guide: GESI and Health

GESI Reference Guide: GESI and Health

The right to health is a fundamental human right that includes the right to experience the highest attainable standard physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or

GESI Reference Guide: GESI and Food Security and Livelihoods

GESI Reference Guide: GESI and Food Security and Livelihoods

Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL) programs by themselves will not achieve World Vision’s development goals if they exclude certain groups from their benefits. Food Security and Livelihoods strategies need to incorporate Gender

GESI Reference Guide: GESI and Faith

GESI Reference Guide: GESI and Faith

This document provides guidance on the intersections of GESI and faith for World Vision and others to follow as they integrate GESI-transformative faith-based interventions into their work. It aims to provide practical

GESI Reference Guide: GESI and Education

GESI Reference Guide: GESI and Education

This reference guide is one of a series focused on applying the Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Approach and the accompanying Gender Equality and Social Inclusion DME Toolkit to different technical areas.

GESI Reference Guide: GESI and Child Protection

GESI Reference Guide: GESI and Child Protection

This reference guide is one of a series that aims to support the application of World Vision’s GESI Approach and Theory of Change and the accompanying World Vision GESI Design, Monitoring and

GESI Promising Practice: Children with Disabilities

GESI Promising Practice: Children with Disabilities

This document highlights the work World Vision has done across the five priority areas for the Global Disability Summit 2022.