In his new book, Intentional Living, the New York Times best-selling author challenges readers to live beyond themselves.
News & Stories
Change Makers
Change agents help children around the world
Both the young and old are using the gifts God gave them to help families living in poverty around the world — becoming change agents in their families, churches, and communities. Read their stories!
Young advocates help support new U.S. anti-trafficking law
A history lesson — and encouragement from their parents — inspired the Goodworth children to become young advocates for human rights.
65 years: Engaging the body of Christ
Since World Vision began in 1950, partnering with the local and global church has been at the core of our work around the world.
Church partners near and far
Church partnerships in the U.S. and abroad are foundational to World Vision’s work. These are some of the churches World Vision has been privileged to minister alongside over the years.
World Vision’s praying presidents
From Bob Pierce to Rich Stearns, World Vision U.S. presidents have sought the Lord’s leading and wielded their willingly broken hearts in the battle against poverty.
11-year-old’s lemonade stand raises over $16K for clean water
11-year-old Tyler has big dreams of bringing clean water to communities in Africa. Watch how his dreams are turning into reality by selling lemonade in his community.
Faithfulness of child sponsors through the decades
Child sponsors come from all walks of life, all 50 states, and all generations since World Vision’s early days in the 1950s. When and why they choose to sponsor vary as greatly as the people themselves. Read the stories of a few sponsors who have responded through the decades.
The new duck dynasty
A family sells rubber ducks in Alaska so they can purchase live ducks through World Vision’s Gift Catalog, which are given to families in need around the world.
Max Lucado encounters the realities of dirty water in Ethiopia
In Ethiopia, Max Lucado discovers the reality of many people living in developing countries: dirty, unsafe drinking water.