Helping children who are deaf or hard of hearing to overcome poverty and experience a better, brighter future is at the heart of 80-year-old Loretta McDonald’s mission in life.
News & Stories
Change Makers
Raising up new leaders through the Global 6K for Water
Hear from a pastor about how he’s raising up new leaders and offering ways for active, life-changing, and multigenerational involvement in God’s work around the world through World Vision’s Global 6K.
Global 6K for Water: How to prep your mind, body, and heart
Each year, World Vision hosts the Global 6K for Water to raise awareness and money for the global water crisis. Here are 13 ways you and your family can prepare your bodies, minds, and hearts for the virtual Global 6K for Water event on May 18, 2024.
How to talk to kids about the coronavirus pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has taken over the news, social media feeds, and conversations for over a year now, which can be troubling for empathetic adults and scary for children. Learn how to talk about the coronavirus with kids.
Seeking to serve: Child Ambassador Linnae Gomez
Having experienced hunger growing up, a World Vision Child Ambassador now uses her talents to fundraise for World Vision Family Emergency Kits to help feed hungry families in the United States.
How the CARES Act can affect your 2020 tax deductions
Seeking maximum tax deductions for 2020? Donate to charities? See how the CARES Act removal of the cap on charitable cash contributions could help you.
How to cope during a pandemic: Tips from an NFL player
We asked NFL player Kelvin Beachum Jr. how he was coping during the pandemic while he was getting treatment in between practices and games. Explore his helpful tips for you and your family, a way you can support other Americans, and his amazing proud-daddy moment.
What to buy for the toughest names on your Christmas list
We’ve all been there — agonizing over what to buy for the toughest people on our Christmas lists. It can be disheartening to spend hours earnestly searching for the perfect gift, only to come up short.
This Christmas, we make it easy for you to knock out all of your shopping in one fell swoop. Choose joy with presents that match the recipient’s personality — animals from the World Vision Gift Catalog. Honor the people in your life by donating farm animals in their names to help others in need. You simply can’t go wrong. So grab a pen and paper, sit back, and take notes. We’ve got you covered with feathered and furry farm animals — from ducks to alpacas — sure to put a smile on the faces of even the toughest to buy for.
10 family-fun activities to get in the Christmas spirit
Have fun with your family this Christmas season with these at-home activities that teach valuable lessons about gratitude, generosity, and giving back.
Unexpected hidden heroes responding to the crisis in powerful ways
In the United States and around the world, ordinary kids are taking on the challenge of COVID-19 with small, but extraordinary, actions.