As COVID-19 began to rage in China, World Vision staff jumped into action. Decades of experience in combating infectious diseases told them that scaling up prevention would be key to protecting children and families in World Vision program areas. That’s why it’s one of the four key objectives in our global coronavirus response.
News & Stories
From the Field
Coronavirus response: Supporting at-risk children
World Vision’s experience responding to disease outbreaks began in the early 2000s with the HIV and AIDS crisis in Africa. We’ve learned that infectious diseases like these put children at risk, even when they don’t get ill themselves. As COVID-19 has spread, children and families are facing new challenges: scarce food and healthcare resources, barriers to education, and lost income. That’s why supporting children impacted by the secondary effects of the pandemic is one of four key objectives of our coronavirus response.
Family Emergency Kit a “lifesaver” for West Virginia family
A West Virginia grandmother calls a World Vision Family Emergency Kit she received a “lifesaver.” It helped her cope with financial uncertainly due to the coronavirus pandemic.
A day in the life of a Malawi water drilling team
Spend a day with a drill crew in Malawi that works 90% of the year on the road, away from their families. They cook their own food. They wash their own clothes, always covered mud after a long day at work. They live in tents and sit on overturned buckets instead of on chairs. And yet, they wouldn’t have it any other way.
Lives transformed: Girls free to dream of a brighter future
Bristy and Choity went from child laborers whose circumstances left them unable to dream to futures filled with promise thanks to World Vision’s child protection work in Bangladesh.
How to wash your hands properly
Handwashing is important in reducing your exposure to and the transmission of the new coronavirus, among other illnesses. But do you know how to properly wash your hands? It may be more complicated than you think.
Photos of worship and praise around the world
This Easter, World Vision brings you photos of fellow believers around the world celebrating and worshipping our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Youth pray passionately for their country
Youth from dangerous neighborhoods in Honduras’ capital city gather to intercede through prayer. They pray for their family and friends, their community and the country.
Family Emergency Kits deliver hope to food-insecure families
As COVID-19 cases rise with school closures and restrictions increasing across the nation, church leaders and school officials are partnering with World Vision in its distribution of life-sustaining supplies, including food, personal hygiene, and clean water, to food-insecure families in the Puget Sound.
2020 life frames: Storytelling from World Vision photographers
World Vision’s award-winning photographers travel the world to bring home stories of children and their families to inspire us to action and compassion. They capture intimate moments that illuminate God’s grace and faithfulness as we follow Jesus’ example to show unconditional love to the poor and oppressed.