A shortage of toilets can be a matter of life and death. World Vision provides clean water, toilets, and hygiene training around the world.
News & Stories
From the Field
Photos of the most generous places in the world
When our writers and photographers travel, they visit some of the most generous places in the world. They are received with hospitality, but also get to witness generosity passed on to others. Through their eyes and photos, see this sacrificial giving spread.
2017 life frames: Storytelling from World Vision photographers
World Vision’s award-winning photographers travel around the world every year, capturing moments of God’s grace and faithfulness as we follow Jesus’ example to show unconditional love to the poor and oppressed. They bring back stories that inspire us to action and compassion.
Child sponsorship and animals change lives in Bangladesh
Sonali’s family in Bangladesh went from shunned to shining as a result of World Vision child sponsorship and Gift Catalog goats and chickens.
In the kitchen: Fried plantains recipe
Throughout Latin America, one staple food is plantains. World Vision uses plantains in nutrition training with parents. Try this fried plantains recipe!
How’d they do that: Make an Indian Christmas star
Across India, Christian families craft handmade star-shaped lanterns as beacons of shining God’s light to the world. Learn how to make one with your family.
Former sponsored child is now archbishop of Kenya’s Anglican Church
Jackson Ole Sapit became sponsored through World Vision as a child. Today he works as the archbishop of the Anglican Church in Kenya.
In the kitchen: Nshima recipe
Learn how to cook traditional Zambian food with this nshima recipe, and learn how to make the meat and vegetables relishes to eat with it.
2017 Hurricane Nate: Facts, FAQs, and how to help
Tropical Storm Nate has already killed more than 20 people in Central America. It’s expected to strengthen into a Category 1 storm and hit New Orleans.
Walking in Sabina’s shoes: Clean water makes her free at last
Walk in the shoes of a Kenyan woman as she struggles to find clean water for her family, and learn what brought her arduous journey to an end.