Through games, music and education, World Vision staff in Bolivia are equipping children to overcome poverty, malnutrition, and child labor.
News & Stories
From the Field
Thai pastor passes on his sponsor’s ‘spirit of giving’
Now a pastor in Bangkok, a former sponsored child in Thailand learned sacrificial giving from his sponsor, a San Francisco janitor.
30 years later, World Vision pilots talk of Ethiopia famine, BBC’s famous report
Two pilots for the World Vision relief operation during the 1980s Ethiopian famine share the story of flying a BBC film crew to the crisis zone.
Child soldier prevention law: Partial enforcement lets some offending countries off the hook
Through a loophole in the 2008 Child Soldier Prevention Act, some offending countries aren’t being held accountable for using children in their armed forces.
World Vision celebrates its birthday with help from kids worldwide
Sept. 22 marks 67 years since World Vision was founded by Bob Pierce in 1950. But without these smiling faces, our birthday would be meaningless.
Thai students’ innovations reap ripe rewards
Through student innovations and school support, a World Vision-funded lunch program became an award-winning farm with endless learning and income prospects.
Success for a Zambian accountant began with sponsorship
Yule Mwewa’s list of accomplishments could make any Ivy League graduate envious. Valedictorian. Successful entrepreneur and business owner. Certified accountant. Board member of a major humanitarian organization. But none of those would have been possible for the 33-year-old Zambian without another distinction: “All this is because I was once a sponsored child,” says Yule.
When hunger, poverty undermine education for children
Poverty often keeps children like 11-year-old Kham out of school. He used to skip school to look for food, and he was embarrassed about his dirty clothes.
Ethiopia: Once a dust bowl, now a place of plenty
The hunger crisis of 30 years ago is remembered but unlikely to repeat in Ethiopia’s Antsokia Valley, thanks to effective development work and community engagement.
A lesson from the 1980s Ethiopia famine: First, we pray
David Ward led the team that set up World Vision feeding centers across Ethiopia during the 1980s famine. He shares the story of the massive relief and rehabilitation program’s improbable beginning.