Hawa, a displaced mother of three, found support for her severely malnourished daughter at a World Vision mobile clinic in Blue Nile State, Sudan. These clinics offer crucial health and nutrition support to displaced families and host communities.
News & Stories
From the Field
Tornadoes: Facts, FAQs, and how to help
Discover the power of tornadoes and the devastation their furious winds can cause. Learn important tornado facts and expert tips on how to prepare for these natural disasters in the United States.
Malaria: Facts, FAQs, and how to help
Explore the latest updates in the fight against malaria — a life-threatening disease transmitted by mosquitoes. Discover progress in diagnosis, treatment, and prevention benefiting pregnant mothers and children under 5.
Africa hunger crisis: Facts, FAQs, how to help
Discover the severity of Africa’s hunger crisis, exacerbated by global conflicts and extreme weather challenges. Learn how millions are at risk of hunger due to the compounded effects of the war in Ukraine, regional conflicts, extreme weather, and the lingering impacts of COVID-19.
Lesser-known crises and World Vision’s impact
When it comes to disaster response, World Vision stands at the forefront, responding swiftly to crises, both major and lesser-known, that impact vulnerable communities globally. From aiding displaced children in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict to supporting millions affected by Amazon droughts and helping families in Sri Lanka’s internal upheaval, our commitment extends beyond the headline-making disasters. With a presence in nearly 100 countries, we respond with life-saving essentials to all types of disasters and equip vulnerable children, families, and communities with long-term solutions.
From disaster response to partnership for lasting change
As global disasters and humanitarian crises persist, World Vision’s support for vulnerable communities extends far beyond immediate disaster response. Discover how our interventions and programs have opened the doors to long-term partnership with communities and helped empower children and families worldwide.
Former sponsored child now works as a lawyer in Bangladesh
Kalpana grew up in poverty in Bangladesh, and her family was often avoided because people knew they would ask for help. But thanks to World Vision’s child sponsorship program, Kalpana was able to get an education and support she needed through communitywide programs. Today, she works as a lawyer, helping vulnerable women and children, and she and her family are respected in their community.
Dreams flow freely: Loveness and the gift of water
Time spent gathering water for her family led to school absences and failing grades, which almost stole Loveness’s dream of being a doctor. But with the introduction of a nearby clean water well, she could attend classes more regularly and now is free to pursue her dreams.
Global hunger: 7 facts you need to know
Up to 783 million people — 1 in 10 of the world’s population — face chronic hunger. Explore key facts about the challenging issues of global hunger and food insecurity. Learn about World Vision’s role in tackling world hunger and how you can help.
In the kitchen: Venezuelan arepas recipe
Arepas, fondly known as the “daily bread” of Venezuela, are simple and quick without compromising on taste. Savory or sweet, breakfast or dinner — their versatility makes them a welcome addition to any meal. Learn how to make them here!