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Special Features

Special Features

Uprooted: A gallery of global displacement

Join us in observing World Refugee Day on June 20 with a journey through photos honoring children and families affected by forced displacement worldwide. This virtual exhibition, featuring powerful still images by World Vision photographers and partners, offers a poignant glimpse into the struggles of displaced people while showcasing some of the ways World Vision has come alongside them to show God’s love in their time of need.

Special Features

Marvel in Mbuyuni: How did they do it?

If ever a place needed change, it was Mbuyuni village in Tanzania. Years of poverty and an ensuing feeling of futility had taken its toll on marriages and children’s futures. But things began to change when a group of farmers were equipped with new beliefs about themselves and their neighbors.

Special Features

Pure joy

After an unexpected heartbreak, Damaris learned the secret to living a full life through the Biblical Empowered Worldview training. It changed her heart, her mind, and her future. And she isn’t keeping that secret to herself. She’s sharing it with others.

Special Features

Fallout: When hunger has no borders

An intimate window into the lives of children and their families who have been overcome by food insecurity and now pay the price of the war in Ukraine. Showcasing impactful still images captured by World Vision photographers and partners, this 3D virtual exhibition offers a glimpse of key issues that the world’s most vulnerable face.

Special Features

Called by God: The Every Last One campaign

In late 2015, World Vision launched Every Last One (ELO) — a $1 billion capital campaign over eight years to make life, hope, and a future possible for 60 million people. Explore the work that has already been done, and help us make an even bigger impact faster.