News & Stories

Special Features

Special Features

Rwanda: 20 years later

APRIL 1, 2014, RWANDA — In 1994, Rwanda was as ruined as any spot on earth after an implosion of violence killed 800,000 people in 100 days. How could the country ever overcome such hatred and horror? It would take a miracle. Through World Vision’s reconciliation programming, healing has given way to hope.

Special Features

Crying for their country

FEB. 1, 2014, JORDAN AND SYRIA — Of the 8 million people displaced by Syria’s war, more than half are children. Many arrive in neighboring countries with little more than the clothes on their backs and memories of friends and home. Here in Jordan, they take refuge with their families in a crowded camp or suffocating accommodations, mourning lost loved ones and yearning for their former lives. Each child has a story.

Special Features

Spiritual safety net

MAY 1, 2012 — Compelled by God’s profound love for children, World Vision encourages spiritual nurture for children in sponsorship programs, with the desire that boys and girls experience God’s love and life in all its fullness.

Special Features

Walking with the world’s women

MARCH 1, 2013 — Around the world millions of women and girls lack access to nutrition, education, legal freedom, and healthcare — perpetuating the cycle of poverty. We invite you to pray for the challenges that keep women and girls from reaching their full potential.

Special Features

God made me free

FEB. 1, 2013, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC — Domestic violence, teen pregnancy, and early marriage can derail a girl’s future in the Dominican Republic. But not in Esteban Cuevas’ neighborhood.

Special Features

Pride and prejudice

FEB. 1, 2013, SOUTH AFRICA — South Africa’s patriarchal society denies women a voice on issues affecting them most: gender equality, child abuse, rape, and high HIV rates. But now many are standing against the denial and prejudice associated with HIV by learning to live productive lives.

Special Features

Here’s to the givers

NOV. 1, 2012 — Here’s to the givers of the world … givers of all sizes and ages, from different walks of life and various income levels. They give not because of a date on the calendar but because they are God’s beloved cheerful givers. Their stories show the impact of relatively simple gifts in developing countries.