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Special Features

Special Features

Net effect

NOV. 1, 2012, MOZAMBIQUE — In malaria-prone Mozambique, two girls live very different lives. One is protected by a mosquito bed net; the other is not. A handful of gossamer threads treated with insecticide makes all the difference.

Special Features

Fighting gangs’ consuming fire

AUG. 1, 2012, EL SALVADOR — Gang warfare and high murder rates make El Salvador a perilous place to live. World Vision’s community development and child sponsorship programs not only provide a way out of poverty; They also promote youth-focused community programs that keep kids from being drawn into the red-hot cycle of violence.

Special Features

Saving Savoeun

AUG. 1, 2012, CAMBODIA — In the U.S., an Amber Alert is broadcasted when a child goes missing. But how do you create an Amber Alert in Cambodian villages when the enemies are sex traffickers? World Vision came up with a plan.

Special Features

Hunger 101

FEB 1, 2012 — Who’s hungry? Around the world, 925 million people — more than the populations of North America and South America combined — go hungry on a daily basis. Here are a few fast facts to help you grasp the severity of the problem.

Special Features

Famine no more

FEB. 1, 2012, KENYA — The recent crisis in the Horn of Africa — so reminiscent of the 1980s — may suggest that fighting famine is futile. But better tools, heavier hitters, and the benefits of child sponsorship are saving lives.