News & Stories



Rainbows and water in Zambia

For people like Molly in Zambia, water is life … and a challenge. As blogger Rachel Teodoro walks in Molly’s shoes, learn how God’s “heart breaks for the challenges that these people face” but how he is there and the transformation already underway.


Q&A: Hope at home in Honduras

In today’s Q&A, Matt Stephens — our senior adviser for child protection — answers the question of why children from Central America are leaving home and explores how World Vision is working to address the root causes of this crisis by promoting hope at home.


Dear Rick and Becky, I hope you get to read this one day

Rick and Becky sponsor 12-year-old Menua in Armenia. When the World Vision bloggers traveled to Armenia, we met Menua and his mother, Anoush. Find out the difference Rick and Becky are making in Menua’s life and how important their letters are to him … and read a reply from Becky!