News & Stories



Dear Rick and Becky, I hope you get to read this one day

Rick and Becky sponsor 12-year-old Menua in Armenia. When the World Vision bloggers traveled to Armenia, we met Menua and his mother, Anoush. Find out the difference Rick and Becky are making in Menua’s life and how important their letters are to him … and read a reply from Becky!


Forever changed by clean water

Blogger Rachel Teodoro traveled with us to Uganda to dedicate a new borehole. Through her eyes, witness the energy and joy the people of this community felt at having clean water, and learn how they will be forever changed.


The problem with a breadless gospel

“What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works” —James 2:14. Blogger and author Jarrid Wilson writes from Armenia: “We cannot ignore the needs of those around us.”


What would happen if we traded places with people in poverty?

As Christians, we understand that once we were far away from God, not because he pushed us away, but because we pushed him away. But God traded places with us by going to the cross. Is it too much to ask that we, in turn, demonstrate this same kind of amazing love to someone suffering 10,000 miles away? He expects this, even commands this of us. Didn’t he die for them as well?