Marilee Pierce Dunker reflects on how we can comfort those in trouble with the comfort we receive from God. Find out the power of comfort in action.
News & Stories
From asthmatic couch potato to crazy runner
On his journey as a runner, Daniel says: “You’re not going to believe what happened to me after six weeks.” Read how God is using Daniel’s weakness to raise money for clean water in Africa!
Olivia’s story: A Zambian sponsored child grows up
Marilee Pierce Dunker, daughter of World Vision’s founder, chronicles her visits over the years with her sponsored child, Olivia, in Zambia.
Opening our hearts to the little children
Reflecting on the humanitarian crisis of vulnerable children along the U. S. border, Rich Stearns — president of World Vision U.S. — writes that, following Jesus, “the best solutions come from a compassionate heart.”
Family Food Kits provide freedom from hunger in America
As we celebrate our nation’s freedom tomorrow, many in America remain bound by hunger — including almost 16 million children. Our U.S. Programs are working to help bring freedom from hunger to families across our nation.
Reflections and remembrances from a former World Vision U.S. president
Former World Vision U.S. President Bob Seiple reflects on painful anniversaries, from the horror of the Rwanda genocide to orphans in Romania, and redemptive moments.
‘Astounding’ progress in the effort to end poverty
World Vision U.S. President Rich Stearns talks about the progress made in tackling the root causes of poverty — together, we are winning the fight.
The ‘mother’ heart of God
Through World Vision sponsorship, over the past eight years, members of a California church have sponsored 500 children in two critically impoverished areas of Malawi.
Some people just shine
Some people just shine. It doesn’t matter where they live, how they dress, or how poor their circumstances. In this Romanian family, the light of hope between father and son is nearly blinding.
Witnessing the ‘voiceless’ find their voice
World Vision mobilizes various “actors” in the community to come together, work together, get equipped to do more, and learn to speak into the halls of power whether locally or nationally — and find their own voice.