News & Stories



Some people just shine

Some people just shine. It doesn’t matter where they live, how they dress, or how poor their circumstances. In this Romanian family, the light of hope between father and son is nearly blinding.


Salmina escapes from child marriage

Last year, at only 15, Salmina felt that her life was at stake when she was forced to marry a 58-year-old man and leave school. Thanks to a community member who was trained in child protection issues by World Vision, she escaped from the nightmare. Now she is looking forward to going back to school and pursuing her dream of teaching mathematics.


Child sacrifice: Protection through pierced ears in Uganda

In certain districts of Uganda, child sacrifice is a real danger. Today, Kari Costanza writes from Uganda about 3-year-old Sharon, whose pierced ears may protect her. Read how a World Vision-supported amber alert program is helping to recover children that have been taken.