News & Stories



Helping my homeland: Why I sponsor a girl in India

Aparna Sen, a World Vision sponsor, shares how growing up in Calcutta shaped her desire to help girls in India get an education, and about her recent opportunity to travel to India to meet 12-year-old Rebika, whom Aparna sponsored after becoming acquainted with World Vision and our work in her native country.


Caring for God’s creation on Earth Day

Earth Day is a chance to look at how we can be a part of caring for God’s creation. See how caring for the planet by utilizing natural resources and innovative agricultural techniques can benefit people in need and the Earth at the same time!


A pig tale from Rwanda

How can the gift of a pig help keep a family out of poverty, while creating hope and opportunity? Read this inspiring story from the Kahi community of Rwanda to find out how pigs provided income for healthcare, education, and more for a family.


Frog: The other, other white meat

In many parts of the world, frog meat is seen as a delicacy. In some areas where World Vision works, it is one of the only sources of protein within reach. See how a frog farm changed a family’s life!


What does social justice really mean?

Social justice is a catch-all term that has gone through many seasons of being en vogue and then going out of favor, often suffering from competing definitions and vastly different interpretations. It’s like Silly Putty — that popular substance we used to play with as kids that can be twisted and contorted into whatever shape your heart desires.

Don’t be fooled or distracted by the word “social” in social justice. Many Christians are more comfortable with the word “justice,” but if Christ is truly Lord over every aspect of our lives, then clearly this must also include the social realm.