News & Stories



Let’s end FGM: How to fundraise for your passion on Facebook

A school in Kenya is helping protect young girls from FGM and child marriage. This cause is a passion for blogger Breegan Jane, who recently met at-risk girls and calls them “some of the bravest I’ve ever encountered.” See how Breegan is fundraising to protect, educate, and empower more girls — and how you can too!


Refugee girls deserve dreams and an education

In the midst of the massive refugee crisis along the Myanmar-Bangladesh border, a 19-year-old woman found her calling as an interpreter for World Vision. Read how education empowered Tanjin and how she’s found a hidden strength in helping refugee voices be heard.


Food crisis in Kenya: 5 signs of hunger I’ve never seen

The East Africa food crisis is monstrous: affecting 25 million people and showing up in ways our writer and photographer team have never before seen. Today, our writer — Kari Costanza — gives you a first-hand snapshot of five ways that hunger is changing the lives of people in Turkana, Kenya.