Microsoft has been a strong World Vision partner for nearly 30 years — providing software donations to support the construction of technology infrastructure after global disasters, and making significant contributions to World Vision from their employee-driven corporate matching grant program.

Microsoft and World Vision took its partnership to a new level with the creation of a shared-value program in Africa. Along with Intel and British Council, Microsoft partnered with World Vision to launch the Spark a Child’s Digital Future initiative: an innovative project that provides access to technology in rural African classrooms.
Thanks to software and Windows MultiPoint Server technology provided by Microsoft — along with hardware and training to help teachers use computer labs to achieve their academic goals — schools that once lacked basic supplies like chalk and paper are empowering students to learn effectively and build skills that will qualify them for job opportunities in the future.

Through the Spark program, Microsoft is merging its technology expertise with World Vision’s global reach and ongoing presence in communities to help children reach their full potential.
And as those communities gain digital skills — boosting education outcomes and local economies — Microsoft will be well-poised to have an improved presence in emerging markets.
Currently, the Spark program is operational in 41 schools in Kenya and Tanzania. Microsoft and World Vision are working toward a long-term goal to scale the program for up to additional schools in Africa over a multi-year period, transforming lives for generations to come.