World Vision is proud to be a supporter of the 2018 International Conference on Family Planning
Visit us at booth 58 and join us on Twitter with #LetsTalkHTSP
World Vision is pro-life. We believe that life begins at conception, and World Vision does not provide, recommend or refer women for abortions or methods of birth control that are proven to be abortifacient.
World Vision promotes the healthy timing and spacing of pregnancies (HTSP) and encourages the use of voluntary family planning (FP) methods through its integrated child and maternal health programming. We work closely with faith leaders as agents of change in their communities through our Channels of Hope and other approaches. We provide education and training for faith leaders on issues like family planning that are traditionally associated with stigma and marginalization in developing contexts, to help faith leaders understand and value the benefits. Congregations learn to talk about maternal and child health services, including immunization, healthy fertility, and methods of contraception that will help them meet their fertility intentions and keep their families healthy.

Visit us at booth 58 and join us on Twitter with #LetsTalkHTSP
World Vision promotes the healthy timing and spacing of pregnancies (HTSP) and encourages the use of voluntary family planning (FP) methods through its integrated child and maternal health programming. We work closely with faith leaders as agents of change in their communities through our Channels of Hope and other approaches. We provide education and training for faith leaders on issues like family planning that are traditionally associated with stigma and marginalization in developing contexts, to help faith leaders understand and value the benefits. Congregations learn to talk about maternal and child health services, including immunization, healthy fertility, and methods of contraception that will help them meet their fertility intentions and keep their families healthy.

At ICFP 2018, World Vision is pleased to present the following:
Oral Presentations
- The Role of Religious Leaders as Social Change Agents for Family Planning: Grassroots Perspectives from Four African Contexts
Tuesday, November 13, 4:20 p.m., room AD9 - Meeting Family Planning Needs of Hotel Staff in Uganda
Tuesday, November 13, 2:35 pm., room AD4 - Interfaith Advocacy Approaches to Demand Generation and Improved Family Planning Services
Thursday, November 15, 11:55 a.m., room AD9
Flash Presentation
- From Barriers to Champions: Men Take Lead in Advocating for Healthy Timing and Spacing of Pregnancy and Family Planning in West Pokot County, Kenya
Wednesday, November 14, 4:20, atrium 1
Poster Presentations
- Can Integrated Health Services Contribute to Increased Family Planning Uptake? A Case from Uganda
Tuesday, November 13, 8-11 a.m., auditorium terrace - Can Muslim Faith Leaders be Family Planning Champions? An Experience from Kenya
Tuesday, November 13, 8-11 a.m., auditorium terrace - Learnings from Northern Ghana: The Role of Faith Leaders in Family Planning and Reproductive Health
Wednesday, November 14, 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m., auditorium terrace - Institutionalization of Best Practices into National Policies is not an Easy Road: the Kenya MOH Pathway to Including HTSP Messages into the National Family Planning Training Curriculum
Thursday, November 15, 8-11 a.m., auditorium terrace
At ICFP 2018, World Vision is pleased to present the following:
Oral Presentations
- The Role of Religious Leaders as Social Change Agents for Family Planning: Grassroots Perspectives from Four African Contexts
Tuesday, November 13, 4:20 p.m., room AD9 - Meeting Family Planning Needs of Hotel Staff in Uganda
Tuesday, November 13, 2:35 pm., room AD4 - Interfaith Advocacy Approaches to Demand Generation and Improved Family Planning Services
Thursday, November 15, 11:55 a.m., room AD9
Flash Presentation
- From Barriers to Champions: Men Take Lead in Advocating for Healthy Timing and Spacing of Pregnancy and Family Planning in West Pokot County, Kenya
Wednesday, November 14, 4:20, atrium 1
Poster Presentations
- Can Integrated Health Services Contribute to Increased Family Planning Uptake? A Case from Uganda
Tuesday, November 13, 8-11 a.m., auditorium terrace - Can Muslim Faith Leaders be Family Planning Champions? An Experience from Kenya
Tuesday, November 13, 8-11 a.m., auditorium terrace - Learnings from Northern Ghana: The Role of Faith Leaders in Family Planning and Reproductive Health
Wednesday, November 14, 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m., auditorium terrace - Institutionalization of Best Practices into National Policies is not an Easy Road: the Kenya MOH Pathway to Including HTSP Messages into the National Family Planning Training Curriculum
Thursday, November 15, 8-11 a.m., auditorium terrace