Shape your students to be global citizens with a Biblical worldview

Shape your students to be global citizens with a Biblical worldview

You know that your students are future leaders and can be a force for positive change. And you’re tasked with helping shape the hearts and minds of students every day. They’re young men and women who hunger for something real—for a way not just to learn, but to experience.

World Vision Ignite is transformative experiential learning, designed to help your students become global leaders with a Biblical worldview. With Ignite, you’ll prepare and equip students to make a difference and impact the world today.

Empower your teachers and IGNITE your students with a holistic program that can bring new passion and unique experiences to your school.

World Vision Ignite is:

Ignite makes poverty and injustice personal

Ignite includes in-classroom experiences, multimedia tools and campus-wide events. We pair your school with another community in a developing country. Through one-on-one experiences with sponsored children in another part of the world, your students will see poverty as not simply an issue, but as an injustice impacting their friends.

Your students will also have the opportunity to:

  • Learn through experiences, discovering what is needed to find lasting solutions to poverty, including the need for physical, social and spiritual transformation
  • Run in the Global 6K for Water – a world-wide race to help see that every child has access to clean, safe drinking water
  • Take the Matthew 25 Challenge – a week-long interactive challenge that helps your students engage in God’s love for “the least of these brothers and sisters”

Our prayer is that this program IGNITES the passion to act in the lives of your students.

“…I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” –John 10:10 (NIV)

Learn how Ignite can help your school and receive a FREE GIFT

We believe that every student at your school will benefit from World Vision Ignite. We would like to meet you and learn about your school.

As a thank you, you will receive a free gift for letting us know your interest: immediate access to our new ebook: Cracking the Code: Building Christian Leaders in a Turbulent World.

What do your students need in order to fully live out their call in the world? This ebook cracks the code on five key factors that a student needs in their education, identifying actionable steps you can take to help ensure life transformation in your students. We pray that every student develops a deep love for God and greater love for their neighbor, with the conviction to act and the experience to know how.

Fill out your information below and you’ll receive immediate access to your ebook.

Pilot School

Faith Lutheran Middle School and High School – Las Vegas

The largest Christian school in Nevada has begun a pilot of this program with World Vision Ignite. Faith Lutheran MS & HS has established itself as a leader in Christian education, with membership in ACSI and CESA. Its academic record is second to none, with 99% of graduating students attending college, and robust programs in STEM, law, broadcasting and business entrepreneurship. But more than that, Faith Lutheran has a conviction that students live out their Christian faith. Part of that is opening their eyes to the reality of the world and to see themselves as part of God’s work among the hurting.


Pilot School

Faith Lutheran Middle School and High School – Las Vegas

The largest Christian school in Nevada has begun a pilot of this program with World Vision Ignite. Faith Lutheran MS & HS has established itself as a leader in Christian education, with membership in ACSI and CESA. Its academic record is second to none, with 99% of graduating students attending college, and robust programs in STEM, law, broadcasting and business entrepreneurship. But more than that, Faith Lutheran has a conviction that students live out their Christian faith. Part of that is opening their eyes to the reality of the world and to see themselves as part of God’s work among the hurting.


Building a better world for children, in Jesus’ name

World Vision’s nearly 70 year history focuses on the needs of children, with a goal that every child have the chance to experience the fullness of life, regardless of where they were born. With Ignite, your students will develop empathy – and realize that meaningful change takes time and the healing of broken relationships.

World Vision’s proven community development model means that you’ll do much more than feel good, but you’ll be investing in change that lasts – addressing the core problems of poverty. For every one child sponsored, four benefit.

Ready to talk through how this can Ignite the hearts and minds of your students? We’d love to hear from you. Email [email protected] or call 866-382-5683.