The Advocacy Summit brought hundreds of World Vision supporters togethers on Capitol Hill to speak up about growing child hunger. Attendees came from 32 states and all walks of life, including pastors, teachers, farmers, and military service members. But this year, a new group of Advocates joined in the effort — Youth Advocates, including students from World Vision Ignite.
See some photos from the Advocacy Summit below, and read more about it HERE.
“My experience at the Advocacy Summit was so eye-opening for me. I feel like I found my purpose.” “At the Advocacy Summit, I felt like I was truly heard for the first time in a long time and I appreciated it.” “I feel devastated that the Global Hunger Crisis is such a problem. But the Advocacy Summit equipped me with hope and information to be a voice. I truly want to not be passive in my faith anymore. This summit made me question all that I know but built up my faith stronger. God has called us to no longer be passive in our faith. We must advocate on behalf of God’s children all around the world.” “The Advocacy Summit was amazing and enlightening and encouraging. I will remember this for the rest of my life. It made me realize I have a voice and can use that voice for the benefit of others.” “I feel enraged by how many people are suffering from the food crisis. I want to do more advocacy work as time goes forward. This made me want to become a lobbyist one day. My experience at the Advocacy Summit was life changing!” At the Advocacy Summit, I was filled with information that fueled a fire for justice. Many stories of real people in hunger crisis across the world moved my heart. And then I got the opportunity to speak out on behalf of those people.” “The Advocacy Summit was a transformative, unique experience. The Global Hunger Crisis is a very hard problem and not enough is being done to address it. I did not think we would have the opportunity to talk with Congress, however, I was proved wrong. I enjoyed talking to the people representing my needs and wants. I think every student should have this opportunity.” “I think that we need to do everything we can to fix the Global Hunger Crisis. I feel motivated to want to join World Vision to better the world. I feel God’s calling to do more. I want to carry the knowledge and confidence to my school so that I can speak to my peers and advocate against hunger.”