News & Stories

Change Makers

What does the Bible say about refugees and displaced people?

You won’t find the word “refugee” in the Bible, but there are principles in God’s Word for how His people are to treat those who are called “strangers,” “foreigners,” and “sojourners” in our translations. In Matthew 25, Jesus says that how we treat “strangers” indicates whether or not we are His followers. Disciples’ behavior should include hospitality to strangers. And the New Testament epistles use the term “strangers” as a metaphor for our status before we professed faith in Jesus Christ.

From the Field

“I went home strong”

Access to clean water has transformed the birthing experience at Mwando Health Post in Zambia’s Northern Province, as well as the surrounding community. It has led to improved health for mothers and babies, as well as economic growth opportunities.

Change Makers

The people who help shape us

Six people answer a single question: Who believed in you? They share about who encouraged and inspired them when they were younger and how that experience helped shape their lives … and led to their involvement in different areas of World Vision’s work.

Special Features

Pure joy

After an unexpected heartbreak, Damaris learned the secret to living a full life through the Biblical Empowered Worldview training. It changed her heart, her mind, and her future. And she isn’t keeping that secret to herself. She’s sharing it with others.

From the Field

Health: Signs of progress and reasons to hope

Discover the reasons for hope in children’s healthcare advancements, and how World Vision is leading the way in boosting the health of kids worldwide. Learn about our latest efforts to enhance access to healthcare and how we’re making a positive impact on vulnerable children’s lives.

From the Field

Global hunger crisis: Famine closes in

Discover the devastating reality of global hunger, with soaring food insecurity and costs, extreme weather events, and the COVID-19 pandemic putting 45 million people in 37 countries at risk of starvation. Join World Vision in its life-saving mission to end world hunger.