News & Stories

2021 Gift Catalog celebrities and handcrafted gifts
From the Field

Choose joy this season with artisan-made gifts

Assumpta, 13, leads the children’s choir at her father’s church in the Bidibidi refugee settlement in northern Uganda.
From the Field

Finding Christmas joy in a refugee camp

Mustafa and his siblings play with one of their family’s goats near their home in a Ugandan refugee settlement.
From the Field

Refugee family finds hope after receiving Gift Catalog goats

Brothers Francis and Billy gaze into a brighter future thanks to World Vision’s Gift Catalog goats that have transformed their family’s lives.
From the Field

Gift Catalog goats open a floodgate of blessings in Zambia

A woman holds a child who is being examined for malnutrition by health workers in South Sudan.
From the Field

Racing against the spread of hunger in East Africa

A young woman in a white blouse and blue pants holds an embroidered tote bag in front of a brick wall.

Q&A: Singer–songwriter Wé McDonald

Rahmawati, 10, in Indonesia is excited to get a letter from her World Vision sponsor. A smiling girl in a yellow shirt holds a letter.
Change Makers

3 ways to bless your sponsored child

Retired Georgia teacher devotes life to helping children in need
Change Makers

Retired Georgia teacher devotes life to helping children in need

Learn how a Montana girl’s glitter and gifts through the World Vision Gift Catalog deliver hope.
Change Makers

Montana girl’s love for glitter sends gifts of hope to children

California girl’s gifts bloom with hope for other children
Change Makers

California girl’s gifts bloom with hope for other children

Learn how World Vision is racing food supplies to millions affected by the East Africa hunger crisis in 2021.
From the Field

Gardens bring joy to communities in Marafa

David Beasley, executive director of the World Food Programme, shares his thoughts on fighting hunger during the pandemic and his motivation to serve.
Change Makers

World Food Programme’s David Beasley on hunger, poverty, and loving your neighbor