News & Stories

In São Paulo, Brazil, World Vision provided a family with household goods and activities for the kids while they’re out of school during the coronavirus pandemic.
From the Field

Coronavirus response: Supporting at-risk children

Max Lucado offers five steps to interrupt the downward spiral of anxiety about the coronavirus and offer it up to God. Nothing is too big for Him!

Anxiety and the coronavirus: How to interrupt the downward spiral

Grandmother Candace Shrader calls World Vision Family Emergency Kits a “lifesaver” to help her as she faces reduced hours at her job due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
From the Field

Family Emergency Kit a “lifesaver” for West Virginia family

People wave with signs outside the U.S. Capitol building
Change Makers

4 ways the 2020 U.S. election matters in fighting poverty

Lucy advocates with her state representative to end violence against children.
Change Makers

A Missouri teen invests her time in advocating for children

An American family poses with a Kenyan girl in Kenya.
Change Makers

A family on mission to end the global water crisis

Enivens sits on the crumbled blocks that are all remaining of his family’s home after Hurricane Matthew blew through Haiti. (©2016 World Vision, Santiago Mosquera)
Change Makers

How to talk to your kids about disasters in the news

How to talk to your kids about the election: A young boy draws with markers.
Change Makers

10 tips for how to talk to your kids about the 2020 U.S. election

Seven water drillers give the thumbs up sign as they prepare to drill for clean water in central Malawi. Spend a day with a drill crew in Malawi that works 90% of the year on the road, away from their families. They cook their own food. They wash their own clothes, always covered mud after a long day at work. They live in tents and sit on overturned buckets instead of on chairs. And yet, they wouldn’t have it any other way.
From the Field

A day in the life of a Malawi water drilling team

Change Makers

Mother’s Day gift ideas that pay it forward

Bristy (center) and her classmates exercise in the school courtyard.
From the Field

Lives transformed: Girls free to dream of a brighter future

Looking for Father's Day gift ideas that aren't a tie? Honor your dad while helping people in need. Give back and pay it forward with gift ideas for dads who love the outdoors, education, health, music, sports, and more.
Change Makers

Father’s Day gift ideas that pay it forward