News & Stories

Little girl carries bucket fill of water on her head.

Clean water lifts her burden, restoring her potential and dignity

Boys sew fabric as part of a WASH club learning to make menstrual pads. Globally, girls in developing countries often miss school while on their periods. By missing class for up to a week each month, it often leads to them dropping out altogether. World Vision works with Sesame Workshop to help change that by teaching both boys and girls how to make hygienic reusable menstrual pads so girls can still attend class while on their periods.
From the Field

How’d they do that: Make a reusable menstrual pad

Cyclone Idai in Southern Africa. An aerial view of Mozambique’s Sofala province shows standing water. Sofala and Manica provinces were the hardest hit by Cyclone Idai.
From the Field

2019 Cyclone Idai: Facts, FAQs, and how to help

Eight-year-old Ireen dips her cup into a pool in Malawi.
Special Features

Walking for water determines Ireen’s future in Malawi

A dry field in Buhera district of Zimbabwe, which is affected by drought
Special Features

From fragility to resilience: How World Vision is increasing livelihoods and building food security in Zimbabwe through ENSURE program

A woman inspects her crops.
From the Field

‘It has changed our lives’: Zimbabwe couple finds a market for their crops

A woman guides her cattle.
From the Field

‘We were nobodies’: Zimbabwe family changes their future

A woman stands in front of her house.
From the Field

Woman overcomes tragedy to find resiliency and success in rural Zimbabwe

A woman holds chickens.
From the Field

From laughingstock to local leader in Zimbabwe

A man stands in a field.
From the Field

A local leader’s experience with ENSURE

Committee members plant fruit trees.
From the Field

Irrigation system transforms a community in Zimbabwe

A woman tends to a garden
From the Field

Mother of seven builds a new life in Zimbabwe