News & Stories

Teenager Armando left Venezuela with his family two years ago, but they still struggle find peace and stability, often going hungry so he can pursue their dream of becoming a lawyer.
From the Field

Boy’s family goes hungry in Colombia so he can pursue dream

In rural West Virginia, Lucy Kirby provides essential care and nurture to eight children in need. Her's is a beautiful story of adoption in West Virginia.
From the Field

Adoption a symbol of redemption in Appalachia

Papadum recipe
From the Field

In the kitchen: Papadum recipe

Bristy’s is a life transformed through World Vision’s child protection program. She no longer works in the shrimp factory, but instead is back in school.

Lives transformed in Bangladesh

Mayerly Sanchez, World Vision communications manager for Colombia visits Caracole community near the Venezuela border in Cucuta. As a sponsored child she was active in a youth peace movement that was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Colombia has long been affected by violence and conflict.
From the Field

A sponsored child’s life in Colombia comes full circle

A new World Vision program is igniting passion among students for the world’s hardest places! Read how this new curriculum is making the world’s issues real for students at Faith Lutheran.

World Vision Ignite: Building friendships across the globe

School children head home after class, wearing their World Vision backpacks in Kalawa Area Program in Kenya.

Backpacks loaded with prayer

Tropical Storm Barry bfore making landfall in Louisiana, July 12, 2019. The slow-moving storm was gaining strength and likely to become a hurricane with maximum winds 74 mph or more.
From the Field

2019 Hurricane Barry: Facts, FAQs, and how to help

Woman cooks on a two-burner gas stove
From the Field

Innovative solutions help refugees in need worldwide

Venezuelan migrants walking through Colombia try to hitch a ride. They crossed the border at Cucuta, Colombia, early in the day and walked through the city. The road takes them through steep terrain and high elevations where nights are often below freezing. Every Venezuela migrant has a deeply personal story about why and how they left their country. They say after months and years of struggling to make ends meet, there came a turning point.
From the Field

Venezuela migrants share their stories about why they left

For 12 hours, we walk with 5-year-old Jannatul through what a typical day might look like for her as a Rohingya refugee child in a camp in Bangladesh.
From the Field

A day in the life of a Rohingya refugee child

People walk away from Venezuela and across the Tachira River to Colombia.

‘Nobody wants to leave home and the people they love’