News & Stories

Actress Patricia Heaton considered missions before acting took off. But God’s plan for her on mission isn’t over! Join Patricia on her recent trip to Rwanda.

Patricia Heaton’s mission for clean water in Rwanda

A child in Peru reads a book.
Change Makers

Your 2019 summer reading and movie guide

Quest to end water crisis: Addyson Moffitt, 7, was moved to run two half marathons and raise $60,000 when she learned how children her age often walk 6 kilometers for dirty water.
Change Makers

7-year-old’s quest to end water crisis gains momentum

Former sponsored child grows up to change community for better.
From the Field

A former sponsored child’s unquenchable thirst for service

World Vision U.S. President Edgar Sandoval Sr. shares about the benefits and blessings of clean water.

The best return: Benefits and blessings of clean water

What does it mean to only have access to dirty water? It means you’re never clean or healthy. See this issue recreated in the kitchen with clean and dirty water.

Rice casserole recipe: The clean and the dirty … water

World Vision is working in Rwanda to bring clean water to all Rwandans by 2022.
Special Features

The dangers below: The pond of misery in Rwanda

World Vision staff work to install water, sanitation and hygiene infrastructure before the first Syrian refugees arrive at Azraq Camp in Jordan.
From the Field

How’d they do that: Clean water in emergencies

Employees from HOH Water Technology walk together in the 2018 Global 6K for Water.
Change Makers

Chicago-area company creates vision through the Global 6K for Water

Happy Cheru, wearing a World Vision Global 6K tee-shirt, fills her glass at the water point at her home, and takes a drink of clean water. Cheru, 6, benefits from a 16-kilometer, gravity-fed World Vision pipeline that brings clean water to her community. Along with other children, she used to walk 6 kilometers daily to carry water to school and home. Now the pipeline brings water to both places.
From the Field

How’d they do that: Transforming lives like Cheru’s through clean water

Even at 5 years old, Cheru Lotuliapus not only understood the struggle for clean water, she lived it. Now, blessings overflow along with the water 6-year-old Cheru collects from the tap near her home in West Pokot, Kenya.
Special Features

Cheru’s Kenyan community is awash in hope after receiving clean water

Today marks seven years since the Syrian refugee crisis began. With reports of the war in Syria almost over and after seven years of hearing about and caring about this crisis, does it still matter? Compassionate voices come together with a resounding yes.

8 reasons why the Syrian refugee crisis still matters after 8 years