News & Stories

For 12 hours, we walk with 5-year-old Jannatul through what a typical day might look like for her as a Rohingya refugee child in a camp in Bangladesh.
From the Field

A day in the life of a Rohingya refugee child

People walk away from Venezuela and across the Tachira River to Colombia.

‘Nobody wants to leave home and the people they love’

From the Field

Former sponsored child now helping lead refugee response in Bangladesh

Jannatul, 5, and her mother, Salima, walk home from a World Vision Child-friendly Space in the refugee camp where they live in Bangladesh. Close to 1 million people live in the refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Most have fled their homeland since August 2017.
Special Features

Citizens of nowhere

When writer Kari Costanza visited the world’s largest refugee camp in Bangladesh, she was surprised by the hope she found. Learn five signs of hope she never expected to find among refugees.

Rohingya refugee crisis: 5 signs of hope I never expected

Here are five ways you and your kids can help refugees. Learn together and engage your children on an issue you care about.
Change Makers

5 ways you and your kids can help refugees

Refugee children learn alphabets inside a Child-Friendly Space.
From the Field

Child-Friendly Spaces: Safe places for children in need

Nicole Wetmore walks the Global 6K for Water in Placerville, California. Nicole is the host site leader for Green Valley Community’s Church’s participation in the 6K event and subsequent Celebration Sunday.
Change Makers

Global 6K for Water creates an unforgettable moment for a California pastor

Refugee crises around the world are taking a huge toll on families and children. Here are some steps for how to talk about refugees with your kids and how you can help.
Change Makers

How to talk to kids about refugees

World Vision Global 6k for Water participants start the race.
Change Makers

Highlights from the 2019 Global 6K for Water

Heavy machinery clears rubble and debris after catastrophic earthquake.
From the Field

2011 Japan earthquake and tsunami: Facts, FAQs, how to help

Dear Water: How does clean water change lives? These girls wrote a poem to tell you just how life-giving and transformative it can be.
From the Field

Video: Schoolgirls share their poem ‘Dear Water’