News & Stories

Can you spot World Vision's Give-back Gift Shop? Look for the orange! World Vision hosted its second-ever interactive pop-up shop in New York City's Bryant Park Nov. 25-27.
Change Makers

Give-back Gift Shop lights up New York City with generosity

For Giving Tuesday, Nov. 27, World Vision is partnering with Thirty-One Gifts again, which means a product match of up to $2 million! Find out how last year’s partnership supported kids.

Giving Tuesday: Shine twice as bright for kids in school

Find out what draws major donors to World Vision and why they feel led to make significant investments in ending extreme poverty worldwide.
Change Makers

Philanthropic investments advance efforts to end extreme poverty

Two children sit on a pile of maize in Zambia.
From the Field

Thanksgiving: Celebrating abundant harvests around the world

This Christmas season, see how you can give an entire wish list, the good kind of sweater, or the feeling of being safe. Here are 2018’s top five Christmas gifts that may surprise you!

Top 5 Christmas gifts that may surprise you (2018 edition)

The 1 millionth kit makes its journey in the San Francisco Bay area from 7-year-old Caroline at Menlo Church to 9-year-old Estefani at Familia Cristiana Verbo.
Change Makers

Menlo Church celebrates assembling the 1 millionth kit

Because of our community-focused solutions, for every child you help, four more children benefit, too. Debby and her friends are all benefiting thanks to the fact that she’s sponsored.
Special Features

More than enough: Child sponsorship inspires hope in Zambia

Ivy in Moyo, Zambia, was delighted to receive a World Vision Promise Pack, which contains school supplies, hygiene items, and an insect-repelling blanket.
From the Field

How’d they do that: Kits with care letters

A World Vision staff member walks through a sunflower field with two brothers.
From the Field

Birthday parties leave lasting gifts in sponsorship communities

A pastor’s challenge inspires a Sunday school teacher and her students to give the gift of goats.
Change Makers

No goats, no glory: Sunday school students give the gift of goats

Marilee Pierce Decker shares her father’s thoughts on the word “crisis” and how to manage in times of fear.

Crisis is danger plus God’s opportunity

World Vision U.S. President-elect Edgar Sandoval poses with 8-year-old Faith, his World Vision sponsored child, in Kapululwe, Zambia.

Is Jesus at the center of your life?