News & Stories

Ruth grew up in a Bolivian village rife with abuse, alcoholism, and abandonment. She has a passion for seeking justice on behalf of children. Through World Vision sponsorship and a friendship with Rich Stearns, World Vision U.S. president, she found the strength and support to live out her dream of becoming a lawyer.
From the Field

Seeking justice: A former sponsored child in Bolivia becomes a lawyer

World Vision teaches farmers how to use readily available materials to create a homemade bottle drip irrigation system. Try this in your own garden!
From the Field

How’d they do that: Drip irrigation

Peyton and Mason Fritz are two Lake Center Christian School students who participated in the Matthew 25 Challenge.
Change Makers

Global 6K, Matthew 25 Challenge instill a vision in future leaders

Being a twin can be fun … but also sometimes frustrating. But for parents of twins, it’s twice the work! For National Twin Day, read what it’s like to be a twin and how having twins can be extra difficult for many parents around the world.

National Twin Day: The challenge of parenting for two

When was the last time God changed the shape of your life? For Child Ambassador Randi Jo Rooks, she knows the exact date in 2013. Read how God led Randi to say yes to a new ministry of helping children in need and how he brought her story full circle in Uganda.
Change Makers

In the potter’s hands: How God shaped a Child Ambassador

In Mozambique, Belita, 14, narrowly escaped child marriage. One out of girls in dveloping countries marry before age 18.
From the Field

Untying the knot: 10 worst places for child marriage

End FGM: A school in Kenya is helping protect young girls from FGM and child marriage. This cause is a passion for blogger Breegan Jane, who recently met at-risk girls: “some of the bravest I’ve ever encountered.” See how Breegan is fundraising to protect, educate, and empower more girls — and how you can too!

Let’s end FGM: How to fundraise for your passion on Facebook

DIY homemade kids' toys, DIY kids' toy - homemade toy car - Africa
From the Field

DIY homemade kids’ toys from around the world

Unique baby names - a baby girl named Beauty
From the Field

Unique baby names from around the world

A safe and supportive place for breastfeeding moms is a life-saving gift for the youngest and most vulnerable survivors of conflict or disaster. World Vision’s women and young children spaces help moms provide nutrition and nurture for children under age 5.
From the Field

Enlisting ‘an army’ of breastfeeding moms to save lives

As the world turns its attention to the World Cup, which begins June 14, a World Vision Child-Friendly Space in South Sudan is providing a girls’ soccer program to empower girls to defy gender norms and combat child marriage.
From the Field

World Cup fever: Girls soccer club kicks child marriage in South Sudan

Shoemaker Mangay Lal and his daughter Mahima. Men in India are taking a stand against a harmful tradition — child marriage — that has tarnished the worth of girls for centuries.
From the Field

Fathers stand together to end child marriage in India