NOV. 21, 2016, ZAMBIA — “A chicken, so what! Can they do anything?” Catherine continues to be surprised at how many ‘anythings’ four World Vision Gift Catalog chickens can produce.
News & Stories
How’d they do that: Make a soccer ball
Learn how children around the world create their own fun by making a soccer ball out of plastic bags, rags, and newspapers. Try this at home with your kids!
Magical moments in the kitchen
For 9-year-old Rosemary, the magic of cooking and eating together is a big part of her dream to become a chef! See what’s making Rosemary’s dream possible.
Thanksgiving: Kids give thanks for vegetables
KidREACH — a World Vision afterschool, tutoring, and mentoring program — teaches kids about healthy eating and how to cultivate fruits and vegetables. Learn how the kids at Mount Vernon Elementary School in Brownton, West Virginia, are reading, writing, and gardening.
Photos: Moms feed the world
With help from World Vision, moms around the world are tapping into their vast potential — raising, harvesting, and preparing food to make their children healthy and their communities more prosperous.
3 survival stories from the worst disaster you never heard about
A World Vision communicator from the Philippines shares stories that run the gamut of human emotions from fear, grief, and worry to resolve and resilience.
#ShareBigDreams: Easy shareable Christmas cookies
This fun little recipe video shows you the secret ingredient to these tasty peppermint cookies. Share big dreams this Christmas.
5 things that happen to your body when you’re generous and give
Joyful generosity is a normal human state — we’re biologically wired for sacrificial giving. Find out 5 surprising things that happen when you give.
It only takes a spark or maybe a goat
World Vision started the program as a way to keep the gift of animals reaching people who face the greatest need. When a family receives Gift Catalog animals from World Vision, they agree that at some future date — usually in about a year’s time — they will donate the same number of animals to another family in need.
Zambia: The princess and the people
Kasamba Moyo was born into privilege — a princess in fact — but now spends much of her time with people in Zambia who have faced hunger, sickness, and lack of education all brought on by poverty.
Ending the HIV epidemic: Leaving no young woman behind
As a former physician practicing in a busy maternity ward in a hospital in Africa, Gloria Ekpo has seen the devastation of HIV and AIDS up close. But she’s also seen progress. Learn how World Vision is working to leave no young woman behind and empower them toward an AIDS-free generation!
Melinda Gates on what faith in action means to her
Melinda Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, shares her thoughts on time poverty, empowering girls and women, and her motivation to serve.