News & Stories

Sponsoring a child like Rosemary helps make dreams come true. Her dream is to be a chef. Thanks to her World Vision child sponsor, and Gift Catalog goats, her dream is within reach. ©2016 World Vision | Jon Warren
Special Features

Family finds hope in gift of goats

Children whose families have fled conflict in villages near Mosul, Iraq, play and draw in a World Vision Child-Friendly Space in Zelican camp. (©2016 Nick Ralph/World Vision)
From the Field

Children fleeing Mosul offensive find a safe place to play

Alligators in the toilet? Maybe the urban legend is not so far-fetched. Cobras, scorpions, slippery rocks, and high tides are among the daily hazards people face answering nature’s call.
From the Field

Photos: 8 places you don’t want to ‘go’ on World Toilet Day

A storm approaches in Zambia.
From the Field

2016 life frames: Storytelling from World Vision photographers

Many young women in rural Zambia face difficult futures, but Modester is one of the top students! With an education, her dreams are about to come true.
From the Field

Saved from child marriage by a goat

World Vision U.S. President Rich Stearns reflects on the simple, yet breathtaking, symbolism of the Christmas Eve candlelight service at his church.

‘Christmas is God lighting a candle’

The holidays are upon us — a season of thanks, love, and spending time with family, but also of sharing food with loved ones. Learn how to make Thai fried rice — a common local dish in Thailand — and explore how food is a global language for all we share it with.

The language of food and the people we share it with

Gift Catalog goats and child sponsorship work together to provide a girl from Zambia with plenty of food, clean water, and an opportunity for education.
Special Features

5 Gift Catalog goats equal renewed lives

Innovative projects through the World Food Program empower people like Saeeda, displaced from Mosul, Iraq 2 years ago, to cook a favorite recipe from home.

Recipe from Mosul, Iraq: Making Dolma away from home

Meaningful screen time for Syrian refugee children in Lebanon.
Change Makers

5 ways to use your kids’ screen time for good

Mongolian cuisine is focused on meat and dairy, especially for nomadic herders. See what it's like to cook in this harsh climate, and try a recipe for buuz.

Recipe for buuz — traditional Mongolian dumplings

In hard-hit Portsmouth, Va., Hope Charitable Services, a World Vision partner, is delivering hurricane relief supplies from a World Vision warehouse. (©2016 Frank Allen)
From the Field

World Vision responds to Hurricane Matthew’s U.S. East Coast destruction