News & Stories


6 ways to pray for our country during the election

God calls us to pray in all situations — no exceptions for an election year. When we make the decision to pray for our leaders and country, we make a bold choice to demonstrate Jesus’ love regardless of what’s going on around us. The prayers offered here call for wisdom, love, and unity — in and between election candidates, and us. As we navigate what will likely be a divisive time for our country, we pray boldly that God will help us see each other through His eyes and help our leaders make godly decisions.

From the Field

Northern Ethiopia crisis: Facts, FAQs, and how to help

In northern Ethiopia, children and families in the Tigray, Amhara, and Afar regions face a dire humanitarian crisis, driven by persistent drought, armed conflict, violence, and disease outbreaks. High rates of malnutrition and food insecurity continue to afflict people. Learn what World Vision is doing to help affected children and families.

From the Field

Top 10 disasters of 2023

In 2023, World Vision responded to 78 disasters in 59 countries, helping more than 35.8 million people with relief aid they needed to survive. Learn more about some of the top disasters of 2023. In the United States alone, our programs also supported over 93,700 people during 15 emergencies.

From the Field

In photos: 23 moments to remember

In 2023, the harsh realities of conflict, displacement, natural disaster, and extreme hunger impacted the lives of millions of people worldwide. As World Vision responded, we witnessed moments of both hardship and hope. See the incredible images of resilience, determination, and even joy that World Vision’s communicators were able to capture in this extraordinary year.


Peace on earth: Pray for people in conflict zones

In times of emergencies and disasters, including the ongoing crisis in the Middle East, earthquakes in Afghanistan, and the war in Ukraine, children bear the heaviest burden. Join us in praying for places with critical humanitarian needs, where daily struggles for basic necessities affect children, families, and communities.