News & Stories

A Honduran mother and two boys pray with uplifted hands standing in a church pew.
Change Makers

5 reasons to share your blessings on Giving Tuesday

A woman holds her baby amid the ruins of her home after a deadly earthquake.
From the Field

Nepal earthquakes: Facts, FAQs, and how to help

At nighttime, a small group of children in Myanmar smile and laugh as they hold up candle sticks, the light of the flames glowing on their faces.
From the Field

Photos: Christmas around the world

A man smiles while looking at a baby held in the arms of a woman. They stand outside their home, and sunlight illuminates the scene.
From the Field

HIV and AIDS: Facts, FAQs, and how to help

A boy stands in front of trees wearing a blue T-shirt and denim overalls, smiling as he plays.
From the Field

A new Gilgal in Kenya

A woman wearing jeans and a cream sweater stands in a kitchen next to a wood board with cheese and strawberries on it.

Tayshia Adams gives back

A man in a World Vision T-shirt holds two small children as he walks away from the camera.
Change Makers

Seeds of compassion: How small actions change the world

A Sierra Leonean teen smiles as she holds a sign that reads, “No child should die of Ebola again.”
From the Field

Ebola virus outbreak: Facts, FAQs, and how to help

A man wearing white is surrounded by children wearing orange as they cheer with hands in the air.

From the World Vision U.S. president: Water for the win

A woman looks at the camera, with a child standing behind her in the shade on dry, sunlit ground, near their water containers.
From the Field

South Sudan crisis: Facts, FAQs, and how to help

Scene of earthquake destruction in Indonesia.
From the Field

2018 Indonesia quakes and tsunamis: Facts, FAQs, how to help

A girl in a winter cap and a pink shirt smiles and lifts her hand to cradle beaded Christmas ornaments hanging from strings.
From the Field

How’d they do that: DIY Christmas crafts from around the world