In 2024, the lives of millions were upended by war, disasters, and hunger. As World Vision responded, we witnessed courage and resilient hope through encounters with hardship. See incredible images captured by World Vision communicators throughout this year.
Why World Vision is in Malawi
Malawi continues to recover from the effects of many tragedies in 2022. Disease, natural disasters, and high inflation have created great needs for vulnerable communities.
A cholera outbreak that began in February 2022 has infected over 56,000 people and claimed over 1,700 lives. In March 2023, Cyclone Freddy hit the country, killing more than 600 people, displacing over 500,000, and destroying infrastructure, roads, and property. In the northern region, farmers struggled to grow crops during a drought. The drought, along with high inflation, is contributing to hunger, which is expected to affect an estimated 2.8 million people in the country.
In response to the cholera outbreak, World Vision provided treatment materials and medical training. Through our water work, over 93,000 people gained access to basic water facilities. After Cyclone Freddy hit, World Vision supported 72,000 families with immediate relief as well as planning for long-term recovery. And we celebrate the health and nutrition services that have reached over 17,000 children under 5 as we work to end hunger in this region.
We never give up on people
World Vision child sponsorship looks at all the things that prevent children from surviving and thriving in their community, and then works with that community to bring all the pieces of the puzzle together to build a better life for all children. For sponsors, it’s a personal way to show God’s love to a child in need in a life-changing way.
Sponsor a child in Malawi ❯
Prayer Requests from Malawi
World Vision's staff in Malawi are asking us to join them in prayer for the following:
For those in southern Malawi who have lost families and homes due to Cyclone Freddy.
For those who have been affected by the drought in northern Malawi, and for those who will experience hunger as a result.
News from Malawi
Matthew 25: Prayer for children with disabilities
Children with disabilities face barriers that often hinder them from receiving proper nutrition, humanitarian aid, or other basic services. We believe every child deserves the chance to reach their God-given potential. Join us in prayer for children with disabilities.
Her family’s keeper
Zione has long struggled to care for her own extended family. Because of her participation in World Vision’s savings groups and THRIVE program, she has both a new outlook on her potential as well as tools she needed to achieve her dreams and support her loved ones.
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