Ongoing turmoil and economic decline in Venezuela since 2014 have driven more than 7.7 million people from the country in search of food, work, and better living conditions. While the influx from Venezuela has caused tensions in host countries, it’s also brought out their hospitable spirit. Learn how World Vision is supporting children and families across the region impacted by the Venezuela crisis.
Why World Vision is in Peru
Peru has endured natural disasters, economic challenges, and public health concerns. As the most food-insecure country in South America, more than half of Peru’s population is without regular access to food. Additional challenges include assimilating refugees and migrants into society, and protecting and educating the youth.
Cyclone Yaku hit the northern coastline, wreaking havoc on many communities, and an outbreak of dengue fever also affected many communities. The alarming food insecurity impacts over 16 million Peruvians. For migrants and refugees, assimilating and gaining access to formal employment has been challenging.
In response, World Vision is helping address challenges facing migrants and refugees. Collaborating with other humanitarian organizations, teams are providing sustainable solutions for access to assimilation programs and formal jobs. With food insecurity on the rise, we are helping vulnerable families mitigate hunger by teaching sustainable farming practices, offering nutritional education, and more. Additionally, programs like Voice of My Heart in community mental health centers are contributing to the restoration of girls and boys who are survivors of assault and abuse. Through programs like Youth Ready, we are also supporting adolescents with entrepreneurial and social skills to help equip them for a brighter future.
We never give up on people
World Vision child sponsorship looks at all the things that prevent children from surviving and thriving in their community, and then works with that community to bring all the pieces of the puzzle together to build a better life for all children. For sponsors, it’s a personal way to show God’s love to a child in need in a life-changing way.
Sponsor a child in Peru ❯

Prayer Requests from Peru
World Vision's staff in Peru are asking us to join them in prayer for the following:
For the care and protection of the refugee and migrant populations in Peru.
For the communities experiencing hunger to gain long-term food security.
News from Peru
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