Food and Agriculture
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Improving the Management of
Agriculture Demonstration Sites in Food Security Programs
Agricultural demonstrations are common features of agriculture extension and an important tool for enabling farmers to learn first-hand about improved practices. With support from the USAID TOPS programs, World Vision recently conducted a study to assess management of agricultural demos to develop guidelines for improving.
Bridging the Humanitarian-Development Divide in Haiti with USAID FFP (PDF): This case study explores lessons learned from implementing the EFSA crisis modifier with the existing Kore Lavi development food security program voucher system in Haiti, along with recommendations going forward.
Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (PDF): World Vision’s Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration method helped stem the effects of the 2015 drought in Ethiopia.
Africa’s Agricultural Potential: This infographic shows how Africa can address hunger and malnutrition while boosting livelihoods and promoting inclusive, sustainable growth.
Ultra Rice® test: World Vision and PATH conducted a field trial to test Ultra Rice® grains, generating data on its stability under real world transport and storage conditions, and the health impact (PDF) among African children.
Telling Our Stories: Leveraging Food Assistance for a Hunger Free World shows how food assistance can create livelihood assets and a productive environment for farmers, households and communities.