Sending a Letter or Package
Your sponsored child will be delighted to feel your love and support when they receive a letter or package directly from you. Children cherish every letter, photo, or item they receive, and feel so loved when they know you’re thinking about them and praying for them. At times It may take longer than usual for letters and packages to be safely delivered to your sponsored child due to weather events and other crisis situations. But rest assured that it will be delivered, as soon as it’s safe to do so.
How to address your envelope

Front of envelope
1) Write the mailing address of your sponsored child’s country office on the front of the envelope.
World Vision
P.O. Box xxxxx

Back of envelope
2) Write your name and address, along with your child’s first name and Child ID number on the back of the envelope.

Top of letter
3) Sometimes letters get separated from envelopes, so on your letter or note inside the package be sure to include:
- Your child’s full name
- Your child’s ID number
- Your full name
Send your sponsored child a letter
You can send a letter through the mail, or you can send your child an email.
What to write about:
- Be sure to consider your sponsored child’s environment and culture. For example, avoid writing about the things you own since your child might have very few possessions.
- Feel free to share about your family, friends, and interests.
- If your child lives in an area where Christianity is not the dominant faith, you may see a sensitive area alert. Please refrain from using religious references or sending religious items. These could endanger your sponsored child or our local staff. Do continue to pray for your child’s physical and spiritual well-being.
Sending photos:
- Photos of you and your family, and even your pets, will be especially treasured.
- Please be sensitive when choosing photos, as standards of clothing and modesty vary in other countries.
Send a small package to your child
Choose small, inexpensive items that fit into a 9”x12” envelope, and then mail it to your child’s World Vision national country office.
Letter and package FAQs
Can I send an envelope or package larger than 9”x12”?
Unfortunately, due to high import duties and restrictions by foreign governments, many local World Vision offices can’t receive packages for sponsored children larger than a 9″x12″ envelope.
What should I send my sponsored child?
Here are a few ideas for inexpensive, fun items that fit in a 9”x12” envelope. But feel free to get creative. Stickers, bandanas, pencils, postcards, hair ribbons, bookmarks, coloring books, small puzzles, paper airplanes, balloons, small notebooks, colored pencils, pencil sharpeners, small and flat handmade items like paintings or drawings.
Is there anything I shouldn’t send?
Please don’t send money of any currency (it could be confiscated), jewelry, crayons (they could melt!), toys or items that look expensive, potentially scary items such as fake spiders or snakes, keepsakes or items of great sentimental value, food or candy.
Why shouldn't I send cash?
Please don’t enclose your monthly sponsorship gift or any cash with your correspondence. In some countries it’s actually against the law to possess American money. Learn more about how to send a special financial gift for your sponsored child, or call 1.800.777.5777.
How much postage do I need to send a letter or package?
Postage rates may vary by country. Check with your local post office to determine the cost of sending a letter or 9×12 envelope to your sponsored child’s country.
How long will it take to hear back from my sponsored child?
Remote locations and inadequate postal delivery can delay round-trip communication by up to three months, and translation by a staff member or volunteer is often needed once your letter arrives. However, write as often as you like, and you’ll hear back up to four times a year!
Do I need to include my sponsored child's ID number on mail I send?
Yes, please write your sponsored child’s ID number on both your letter and envelope. Sometimes letters get separated from envelopes, and some children in the community may have the same name, so this ensures your letter reaches your child. In addition to the ID number, please write your child’s name (full name on the letter, first name only on the envelope).