News & Stories



A girl’s journey from brick factory worker to outstanding student

Today has been declared by the United Nations as the International day of the Girl. To commemorate this day, we’re asking you to advocate on behalf of girls like Keota in Cambodia.

A brick factory is no place for an 11-year-old girl. But each day, Keota would spend hours stacking heavy bricks in a dusty, dangerous workplace to supplement her parents’ meager income.

Now, thanks to World Vision, Keota is back in school, earning good grades and helping her little sisters with their studies.


Human trafficking: Consequences of congressional inaction

Jessica Bousquette traveled to the Dominican Republic to research how the U.S. government could continue to partner with the Dominican government to address modern-day slavery. She felt overwhelming thankfulness for the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA), the largest piece of human rights legislation to ever pass Congress.


What does social justice really mean?

Social justice is a catch-all term that has gone through many seasons of being en vogue and then going out of favor, often suffering from competing definitions and vastly different interpretations. It’s like Silly Putty — that popular substance we used to play with as kids that can be twisted and contorted into whatever shape your heart desires.

Don’t be fooled or distracted by the word “social” in social justice. Many Christians are more comfortable with the word “justice,” but if Christ is truly Lord over every aspect of our lives, then clearly this must also include the social realm.


Where should American Christians stand on foreign aid?

As an American Christian, I like to think I do a fair job caring for the world’s poor — those in my own neighborhood and those around the world who have greater financial need than I do. After all, Americans pride themselves on generosity. And Christians desire to be known for their service to others. However, recent news suggest otherwise. How do we reconcile this?