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Child Protection

Special Features

Saving Savoeun

AUG. 1, 2012, CAMBODIA — In the U.S., an Amber Alert is broadcasted when a child goes missing. But how do you create an Amber Alert in Cambodian villages when the enemies are sex traffickers? World Vision came up with a plan.


Human trafficking: Consequences of congressional inaction

Jessica Bousquette traveled to the Dominican Republic to research how the U.S. government could continue to partner with the Dominican government to address modern-day slavery. She felt overwhelming thankfulness for the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA), the largest piece of human rights legislation to ever pass Congress.


The fatherless epidemic

The fatherless epidemic in Bolivia can’t be fixed overnight. But World Vision is working toward change — through education, counseling, and much more. Blogger Matthew Paul Turner shares an experience from his visit to Bolivia.


Hard facts about labor trafficking

World Vision has released a new report, “10 Things You Need to Know About Labor Trafficking in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region,” highlighting truths about exploitative labor that are relevant worldwide. How much do you know about it? Read these facts. Then take action.