News & Stories


From the Field

Rwandan genocide: Facts, FAQs, and how to help

Discover the causes and effects of the 1994 Rwandan genocide, its lasting effects on Rwandans, and World Vision’s role in promoting peace and reconciliation. Learn about our programs that have spread throughout the country — including our clean water efforts — and find out how you can help the people of Rwanda today.

From the Field

Global hunger crisis: Famine closes in

Discover the devastating reality of global hunger, with soaring food insecurity and costs, extreme weather events, and the COVID-19 pandemic putting 45 million people in 37 countries at risk of starvation. Join World Vision in its life-saving mission to end world hunger.

From the Field

Cholera: Facts, FAQs, and how to help

Cholera, caused by the Vibrio cholerae bacteria, is on the rise globally due to conflict, poverty, disasters, and lack of access to clean water and safely managed sanitation. Learn more about cholera and how to help people at risk.

From the Field

Top disasters of 2022

In 2022, World Vision responded to 58 disasters in 57 countries, helping more than 31.1 million people with relief aid they needed to survive. Learn more about some of the top disasters of 2022.

Change Makers

Students fundraise for Ukraine through World Vision’s Ignite program

Young people have witnessed compelling footage of the war in Ukraine, including heartbreaking images of refugees and displaced families. Moved to act out their faith, students at Christian schools have raised more than $80,000 to provide Ukraine relief through World Vision’s Ignite program, a partnership that helps schools engage students and shape them into global leaders with a biblical worldview. Park Street School in Boston, Massachusetts, raised more than $16,000 through a walkathon after students, faculty, and staff established the “Children Helping Children” Ukraine Fund.