News & Stories


Special Features

Peru’s moving past

MAY 1, 2015, PERU — Once, Quechua people were invisible. Then they were victims. Those who survived were marginalized. From 1980 to 2000, families in the Andean highlands were easy prey for Shining Path terrorists and the military. Both claimed to fight for them even while they killed them: peasant or terrorist — what’s the difference? Good has emerged from the horror. With World Vision standing with them, Quechua have become citizens. They’ve found the courage to speak truth. Today, they are part of Peru’s future.

Iraq crisis: 3 women’s stories

Hope is in short supply among the 3.3 million Iraqis displaced by conflict since mid-2014 and who face little chance of returning home soon. Here are three women’s stories: a surgeon, a physician, and an art therapist. As survivors of the conflict, each illustrates how women are working to bring hope and healing to displaced children and families.

Special Features

Rwanda: 20 years later

APRIL 1, 2014, RWANDA — In 1994, Rwanda was as ruined as any spot on earth after an implosion of violence killed 800,000 people in 100 days. How could the country ever overcome such hatred and horror? It would take a miracle. Through World Vision’s reconciliation programming, healing has given way to hope.