News & Stories



Fair trade coffee improves children’s lives in Ethiopia

Southern Ethiopia is one of the best coffee-growing regions in the world! Through a World Vision training and fair trade program, coffee grower Tesfaye now brings in enough income to support his family and send his children to school, giving them hope for the future.


Syrian children: Coping with trauma through drawing

Betsy Baldwin, program management officer for World Vision’s humanitarian and emergency affairs team, writes today about a recent trip to Lebanon. Visiting Syrian refugee children who had fled their homes, Betsy witnessed firsthand the effects of the trauma these children had been through. Here, she describes the heartbreaking stories she saw illustrated by these children’s hands.


A child’s daily journey to school in the Philippines

At the age of 9, Miljhon has already seen some of life’s harsh realities. Growing up in poverty, this young boy, his sister, and his classmates face significant hardships just to get to school every day. Despite their circumstances, Miljhon and the other children have such pure hearts that they share with their school mates — even though they too have almost nothing.

Special Features

Walking with the world’s women

MARCH 1, 2013 — Around the world millions of women and girls lack access to nutrition, education, legal freedom, and healthcare — perpetuating the cycle of poverty. We invite you to pray for the challenges that keep women and girls from reaching their full potential.


Educate a girl, change the world

Educate a girl and you’ll change the world. This International Day of the Girl, October 11, be a part of changing our world. Raise your voice and let others know how important it is to educate and invest in the lives of girls.


Helping my homeland: Why I sponsor a girl in India

Aparna Sen, a World Vision sponsor, shares how growing up in Calcutta shaped her desire to help girls in India get an education, and about her recent opportunity to travel to India to meet 12-year-old Rebika, whom Aparna sponsored after becoming acquainted with World Vision and our work in her native country.