News & Stories


From the Field

How’d they do that: Make a reusable menstrual pad

Globally, girls in developing countries often miss school while on their periods. By missing class for up to a week each month, it often leads to them dropping out altogether. World Vision works with Sesame Workshop to help change that by teaching both boys and girls how to make hygienic reusable menstrual pads so girls can still attend class while on their periods.

Change Makers

20 reasons to have hope in 2020

Hope shines a light in the darkness. It’s infectious, even healing. Hope shines a light in the darkness. Let’s look at 20 reasons we were thankful as we entered 2020 — and prayers for each.


Backpacks loaded with prayer

Financial hardship, hunger, and lack of clean water keep many children from getting the education they need to have a chance at a better life. As you fill your child’s backpack, use this guide with your family to pray for other children who face big obstacles to getting a good education.